Staff & Gospel Partners
Ordained Staff:
William Philip, Senior Minister
William Philip has been minister of The Tron since August 2004. He moved from London, where for 5 years he was Director of Ministry with The Proclamation Trust, working with ministers, teaching those training for ministry in The Cornhill Training Course, and overseeing a varied programme of conferences. Before that, he served in ministry positions in Aberdeen, where prior to ordination, he studied medicine at Aberdeen University, and trained in cardiology at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. He is married to Rebecca and they have two daughters.
Contact William:
Paul Brennan
Paul Brennan studied law in Nottingham and then worked in the public sector until September 2012 when he joined our apprenticeship scheme. He then continued with us as a Minister in Training for 3 years, studying on the Pastors’ Training Course and has been a minister in The Tron Church since June 2016. Paul is ministry leader for our outreach ministries. He is married to Stephanie and they have four children.
Contact Paul:
Phil Copeland
Phil Copeland comes from Glasgow and was a ministry apprentice with us from 2010 to 2012. After completing his apprenticeship, he worked at Christ Church Harpenden as Youth Minister as well as studying on the Pastors’ Training Course before returning to The Tron in September 2017 as a minister. Phil is married to Emma and they have two boys.
Contact Phil:
Josh Johnston
Josh Johnston comes from Northern Ireland and studied theology at the International Christian College in Glasgow. He joined our Ministry Apprenticeship in September 2012, and then completed the Pastor’s Training Course at Cornhill, having been a Minister in Training with us. In June 2017, he became a minister in the Church and is the ministry leader for training and serving. Josh is married to Kate.
Contact Josh:
Edward Lobb
Edward Lobb is an Honorary Associate Minister and shares in the pastoral ministry and regularly preaches at The Tron. Edward took a step back from the role of Director of the Cornhill Training Course in Scotland in 2022 but remains a key part of the Cornhill staff as a lecturer and tutor. Edward is married to Catherine and they have 4 grown-up children.
Contact Edward:
Minsters In Training:
Nathan Mackay
Nathan Mackay studied Philosophy at the University of Glasgow and completed our ministry apprenticeship programme in 2022. He is now a Minister in Training and is studying on the Pastors Training Course at Cornhill Scotland.
Contact Nathan:
Andrew Whitmarsh
Originally from Northern Ireland, Andrew studied Dentistry in Glasgow and spent 5 years in practice before joining the ministry apprenticeship in September 2021. After finishing his Apprenticeship, Andrew became a Minister in Training and he oversees our Membership and Welcome ministries as well as leading our Farsi ministry. He is married to Laura and they have a daughter.
Contact Andrew:
Agnes Brough
Agnes Brough studied law at Cambridge and worked in the Lord Chancellor's Department for 8 years. Then she trained as a teacher and taught in a London primary school. She completed a year on the Cornhill Training Course in London and then moved back north to join the Tron in 2003. Agnes ministers particularly among women and young people.
Contact Agnes:
Alison Hair
Alison Hair was our Church Administrator for 20 years until June 2020. She is now PA to William Philip.
Contact Alison:
Richard Henry
Richard Henry studied at Strathclyde University and worked in business in Glasgow for 19 years. Thereafter he studied on the Cornhill Training Course and joined the church team in 2008 as Church Manager. Richard is also our Session Clerk and he leads a Growth Group.
Contact Richard:
Fraser Nicholson
Fraser Nicholson, originally from Broughty Ferry, joined our ministry apprenticeship in September 2020 having completed a Law degree at the University of Glasgow. Upon finishing his apprenticeship, Fraser joined the staff team with responsibility for our media ministry and is now involved in leading services at our Queen’s Park location and with our evangelistic ministries.
Contact Fraser:
Katie Piggot
Katie Piggot joined the team in 2010 after being an apprentice for two years in the church and also completing the Cornhill Training Course. Before this she studied in Aberdeen, worked abroad and then became a Modern Studies teacher in Glasgow. Katie mainly works with female students as well as women of all ages and teaches English as part of our internationals ministry.
Contact Katie:
Matt Wilkinson
Matt Wilkinson graduated from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland with a degree in music performance and then completed our ministry apprenticeship in 2018. Matt is currently interim ministry lead for our midweek Bible teaching ministries. Matt is married to Eleanor and they have a son.
Contact Matt:
Connor Blair
Connor is originally from Glasgow and grew up in the village of Kilmacolm. Connor worked in outdoor sports for a couple of years and then went on to work in sales for 4 years in Aberdeen. Connor started attending The Tron with his parents and serves in our youth ministries. Connor joined our ministry apprenticeship scheme in September 2024.
Timothy Groves
Tim grew up in Aberdeen and came to Glasgow to study Chemical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde. Tim was a member of the Tron during his time in Glasgow as a student and in September 2023, he joined our ministry apprenticeship scheme and is studying on the Cornhill Training Course. Tim is involved in our student ministries.
Naomi Lawther
Naomi is from Northern Ireland and became a member at the Tron during her time as a student in Glasgow. Naomi joined our ministry apprenticeship in September 2023 and she is involved with our student and youth ministries.
Felix Leyva
Felix was born and raised in Chicago, USA and first studied psychology at a Chicago college before transferring to The Moody Bible Institute to study theology. In October 2024, Felix moved to Scotland to join our ministry apprenticeship scheme and is studying on the Cornhill Training Course. He is involved in our student ministries and with our English Class. Felix is married to Sara.
Kerr Sewell
Kerr grew up in Glasgow and as a part of the Tron Church family. Kerr studied Law at the University of Strathclyde before working for a few years in the Civil Service, first in Scotland, then in Derby. Kerr moved back to Glasgow to join our Ministry Apprenticeship in September 2023. Kerr is married to Sarah and he leads our Student and Young Workers ministry.
Michelle Tlhabologang
Michelle is originally from Botswana and spent most of her upbringing between Surrey, England and Francistown, Botswana. She moved to Glasgow from West Cumbria where she worked for an HR advisory firm for nearly three years. Michelle joined our ministry apprenticeship in September 2024 and is involved with our student and welcome ministries.
Our Ministry Apprenticeship
To find out more about our ministry apprenticeship - click here.
Tron Leadership Team:
The following elders are currently serving on the Tron Leadership Team (Session):
Alan Clark
Douglas Hamilton
Richard Henry
John Kerr
William Philip
Arthur Porteous
Gospel Partners:
We have a number of church members or friends of the Tron, whom we support, working in different parts of the UK and the world.
Seven of our Gospel partners and their children are working in creative access nations, but the others are listed below:
Terry McCutcheon is the Director of Hope for Addiction UK. Prior to this, Terry worked for The Tron Church for 9 years and continues to serve in the church.
David and Julie Rowbory work with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Jos in Nigeria. David was formerly an Apprentice with us here at the Tron.
Prince Banda serves at Faith Baptist Church Riverside in Kitwe, Zambia. Prince was an Apprentice with us from 2020-22.
If you would like to know more about world mission, please click here or contact our Missionary Team on
As a presbyterian church, our own ministers and Session are accountable in spiritual matters to the oversight of the Didasko Presbytery. This consists of ordained ministers and representative elders from each of the congregations, who meet together formally on a regular basis to deal with matters of mutual interest and concern, in order to encourage good spiritual leadership among our congregations and provide mutual help and support. Our churches regularly share news, pray for one another, and share resources in informal ways for the sake of gospel ministry, such as in the annual Didasko Youth Weekend. Details for the other churches in the Presbytery, and their leaders, are accessible here.
Council of Reference
When we left the Church of Scotland in 2012 during a period of flux and change, we were concerned not to be entirely isolated and for our leaders to have a degree of support and accountability, for their sake and that of the whole congregation. We therefore asked a number of senior ministers from around the UK and the world to act as a Council of Reference for us. We were very grateful that these respected church leaders offered us their public support at a difficult time, and made themselves available to advise and provide accountability for our leaders through a time of transition.
When subsequently we joined with a number of other similar congregations to form a presbytery providing more permanent, formal spiritual oversight and accountability, we were nevertheless delighted that they were glad to remain associated with us more informally as an honorary Council of Reference. We are thankful to God for each one:
Revd Martin Allen, UK
Revd Alistair Begg, USA
Revd Peter Dickson, UK
Dr Sinclair Ferguson, UK
Revd David Jackman, UK
Former Archbishop Peter Jensen, Australia
Revd Richard Lucas, UK